Original message:
짝짝짝! 찡~ 퀴즈의 정답이 나왓죠! 네! 오늘은 저 다라의 의상의 허리부분에 찡이 박혀있었습니다! 깜놀스럽게도 정답을 맞춰주신분들이 계셧어요! 캬~천재다!^^ 그럼 우린 곧 무대 준비하러… 슝~!!!^.^홧팅!
In English:
*snapsnapsnap*! Zing~ Her is the correct answer for the quiz! Yes! Today Dara’s clothes . Continue to guess the correct answer! Kya~ Genius!^^ Then, we should go and prepare to go on stage soon…Shoong~!!!^.^ Fighting!
Original message:
미용실가는길에…..우리 이제 미용실도착!!! 변신을하겟습니당!ㅋ오늘은 어떤모습으로~???
In English:
On the way to the beauty salon…,, We arrived at the beauty salon!!! Transformation!ㅋ What kind of form will I take today~???
Credits: aa-chan
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