
허당채린스토리! 독서를 좋아하는 씨에루~ 어젯밤도역시 독서를 하려는데 방에 불이 환하게 켜져있으면 잠을 못자는 멤바도있기에 배려하는맘에 방불을끄고ㅋ자기 2층침대에 미니 라이트를 켜놓고 독서를하였다… 그런데!!! 뚜둥…
Story about the easily confused Chaerin! CL loves to read~ So last night she wanted to read as usual but if the overhead light was on, she knew the other members couldn't sleep so she turned the light off keke and turned on the mini light on the top bunk...but! Bubum...

그러다 잠이들어버린 씨에루.. 밤새불을 켜두어너무 뜨거워져버렷는지… 오늘 아침 너무 건조해서깼는데 글세ㅋ이불이ㅋ조금타서 구멍이 뿅뿅…ㅋ타는냄새가 숑숑~! 앗! 걱정하지말아요! 불안낫어요ㅋㅋ글고 달옹의 잔소리를 배부르게얻어먹은씨에루ㅋ역시 허당이란말야!!!ㅋ쫌 기엽따!ㅋ
Then CL fell asleep...she left the light on all night and it must've become hot...that morning she woke up because everything was so dry, and the blanket had burnt so there were holes keke...the burning smell was everywhere~! Ah! Don't worry! There was no fire keke and Darong punished her for doing so! She really is easily confused!!! But it's cute!

탐탐이 친구들이에요!^^ 선물받은탐탐틱한 인형들인데요 봄이랑 밍끼가 하나씩 가졌어요ㅋ봄이껀 핑크인데 보자마자 “넌 충충이!!!” 라며 이름을 지어줬어요ㅋ글구 밍끼껀 “쟨 뭉뭉이!” 라며 지어줬어요ㅋ아 너무 웃겨요 봄이 이름만드는 센스가!ㅋㅋㅋ
Here are TamTam's friends! ^^ I got these TamTam look alikes as a present - one from Bom and another from Minki keke. Bom's is pink and she named it "Choong choong" keke And she also named Minki's "Moong moong!" The names Bom made are so funny kekeke!
source: me2day | translations by [info]filmsession @ [info]omona_prection
Lolol, this is so funny, CL burnt her blanket !
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