
It is common to see singers especially the newly debuted singers making mistakes on stage!The more important thing is how you respond after making a mistake.
On yesterday's Inkigayo,Rainbow performed their hit song Gossip Girl as usual,at about 2o seconds into their performance,one of the members Ji Sook fell,a hit on the ground,usually newbies will become anxious when this incident happened to them,but Ji Sook reacted like an experienced performer,stands up from where she fell and continued performing,maybe many people din't see this scene as not many people are not paying attention much on Rainbow for the time being,but Ji Sook's quick response and her positive attitude are something we must learn from her,stands up from where you fall,it seems like i am talking to myself as i did badly for my Maths paper last week!
Pause at 0.20 to catch the scene mentioned!
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