Eunhyuk Sidebar Update.
How come it’s so pretty like that ~?
Diary Entry
2009.12.15 (2009.12.18 02:54)
Congratulation…I love you^^
Credits : 이혁재 cyworld
translated by evanesco@sj-world.net
Leeteuk Cyworld Update.
2009.12.17 (2009.12.18 01:23)
…(I) just say this sometimes…
…there are days that I miss you like crazy…
Credits: 박정수 Cyworld
Thanks tiromaru for the shout out
Translated by evanesco@sj-world.net
may take out with full credits and dont add in your own credits
Sungmin Cyworld Udpate.
2009.12.18 금 00:11
Hey .. I do not know who you are ..
Whatever, do not close ( my Cyworld) ..
What are you doing?
credit: sungmin’s CY
translated by Lolli^^@sj-world.net
In the [ ソンミンは。] folder:
2009.12.17 목 02:39
I, really… Who keeps opening the guest book*…ㅎㅎㅎ
Tsk… Are you just that free..ㅎㅎ
* Presumably the guest book of his CY World.
SR: 이성민 싸이월드
Translated by yurim_sj♥ @ SJ-WORLD.NET
Please do not remove or add in your own credits, thanks!
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