
This a must watch for all you Big Bang fans out there! Even if you don’t understand what they’re saying, you don’t even need to because it’s so adorable and funny!
As soon as they went into the store Taeyang goes “rawrrr” haha he is such a puppy lover! He was thinking of Boss probably. When he got the dog he said “really cute, so cute!” aww so sweet of him. Of course G-Dragon wanted a turn too since he misses GaHo, again all he could say was “kawaii~” (cute) I almost fainted there, to be honest G-Dragon’s face while he said ‘kawaii~‘ was more cute than the puppy itself. All these guys could say was “kawaii~” they were totally in love with this store!
Seungri wanted to make his puppy dance, haha maknae is so cute. The puppy TOP was holding was so kawaii~! Daesung wasn’t interested in the dogs though, but instead took a cat! I don’t know what they asked Seungri, but when Taeyang held maknae’s hand i squealed!! It’s been so long sice we see some Baeri (ty&sr) action! Of course Jiyong won’t let Taeyang have maknae and he also starts bothering him. Taeyang & TOP join in, ahh everyone wants a piece of Seungri!!
Hahaha TOP is hilarious even in Japan! ahh that was hilarious! Was today ‘pick on Seungri’ day? Everyone seemed to be picking on him, his big hyung TOP was bothering Seungri from the back, those two are adorable. I think TOP has learnt well from G-Dragon as to how to bother maknae. G-Dragon’s message “rawr….rawr” !! ahh GD sure knows how to make his fangirls faint! Including me, that was freaking cute!
Credits to : aleee@oiBigbang Fansite , Junko7777@Youtube
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