
Popular Japanese Girl Group, Morning Musume's former member Yaguchi Mari is gaining attention for introducing Kara on her blog.
On the 17th, Yaguchi Mari has given a short introduction and a picture of Kara's CD on her personal blog. She is a very famous Japanese celebrity who used to be a member of Morning Musume.
Yaguchi Mari has said that she received Kara's CD as a gift from famous Japanese comedian, Gekidan Hitori, and has gone on to explain, "Korean idol Kara... (Gekidan Hitori) currently seems to be obsessed with them...", and continued "I received a favor asking me to post a message about Kara on my blog" and posted these playful comments.
Yaguchi Mari and Gekidan Hitori are gaining the curiosity of their Japanese fans for their post about Kara.
source: http://www.newsen.com/news_view.php?uid=200911180834501002
translated by thebuddybud@karaholic
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