Singer Bada wants to be known as Vada from the year-end concerts onwards.
Bada debuted as part of SES in 1997 and her English name has been Bada for the past 13 years. The turning to her life is when she reaches 30 years old, and wants to be known as a true authentic musician, and hence the change of her English name.
She will show the true musician in her through her upcoming year end concert ‘BaRaCon (Bada Live Concert)’. She will be performing songs from her recent 4th album during the concert, and also other hit songs from musicals she have participated in.
Her company said that she found that it is a shame that she did not get to promote much with her 4th album release. So she had wanted to give back to supportive fans with the year-end concert.
The concert will take place on 30th and 31st December.
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