
This December 23rd. Big Bang will be releasing a DVD with music clips. This will be the first collection of Big Bang music clips.
From hits such as “Lie” and “Haru Haru” up until their latest single “Let Me Hear Your Voice“, Big Bang will be tracing back to trajectories of a total of 10 songs! This is the list:
2. Gara Gara GO!!
3. Let Me Hear Your Voice
4. Last Farewell
5. A Fool’s Only Tears
6. Lie
7. Dirty Cash
8.We Belong Together
9. HaruHaru
10. Always
The cover is so cool! It’s very matrix-ish and if you look closely the Big Bang symbol is made out of a bunch of their music video clips!
Happy Thanksgiving Everyone~ 즐거운 추수 감사절~ ^^
source: ibigbang by alee
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