Original message:
우리 둥둥이 빨리낫게 해주세용~~!ㅠㅠ오늘 집에왔는데 약먹고 마스크끼고 자고있어용.. 큰누나가 한번가보지도못하고미안하다!ㅠ내가아픈것도 힘들지만 내 가족이 내 친구가 아픈건 더속상한거같아요..우리 모두 건강합시다! 퉤니들두 랙잭이들도 아푸지마요!약쏙!!!
In English:
Our DoongDoongie, please recover quickly~~!ㅠㅠ Today he came home, took some medicine, put on his mask and went to bed. I’m really sorry you can’t see big nuna!ㅠEven though it is tough being sick, our family and friends will be even more heartbroken and upset..Let’s all be healthy! Twenty’s and Blackjacks, don’t fall ill! Promise!!!
Original message:
저번주 일요일날 애들보러 무대뒤까지 따라갔다가 찍은사진! 밍끼의멋진 무브와 저멀리 살짝보이는 씨에루의 팔ㅋ무대로뛰어올라가고싶었다ㅋ스탭분들이농담으로 “자 투애니원 올라갈게요~” 라고하셧다ㅋ파이어.. 아동케가 엊그제같은데..^^ 가끔 그립기도하다.. 퉤니원놀자!
In English:
Last Sunday, we were backstage with the younger members and we took some pictures! Minji had some cool and stealthy moves far from CL’s armㅋ I really wanted to get up there tooㅋThe staff joked that 2NE1 would ascend to be staff membersㅋ Fire.. The kids did well the day before yesterday..^^ Sometimes I pray for them.. 2NE1 play!
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