Yesterday was DARA’S [2NE1] birthday and after work, she went out for eats with the rest of the girls. Also, TABLO [EPIK HIGH] is in the studio with MITHRA, recording new material.
2NE1 Dara

Original message:
“아까 오후에 동영상 미투를 보냈는데 계속 등록이안되더라구요ㅠ 저때 막 음식이 나오고있는 상황이라 찍고 바로 정신없이먹었는데..ㅋㅋ실시간으로보냈엇는데..ㅠ엉엉엉 암턴 행복한 싼토끼는 이제잡니다 굿밤!^.^뿅~!”
In English:
“Earlier on this afternoon, I sent a video to me2DAY but it kept failingㅠ Now the food is coming out and it’s a good the video..ㅋㅋ I’ll send it in real time..ㅠ Ungungung it’s been a great day for Ssantokki and good night!^.^ Bbyong~!”

Original message:
In English:
“Nighttime mixingㅜㅜ”
2NE1 Dara
Original message:
“영어 배우시고 싶어요? 잉글리쉬머핀! 우리형의 온라인 영어강의들~ 짱 재밌음! 고고“
In English:
“Do you want to learn English? EnglishMuffin! Our hyung’s online English site~ The best! Go go.”

Original message:
“나와쓰라 도끼 앨범 피쳐링 완료^^ 오예~”
In English:
“We’ve completed work on Dok’s album^^ Oh yea~”
cr: aa-chan
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