2009.11.20 01:42

I have seen Appa's coolest image...
Congratulation Omma Appa~^ㅡ^
Let's stay healthy for a long long time !!!
I love you ~^ㅡ^
2009.11.20 01:46

I've been at Kangheon sunsaengnim's wine bar...
the wine bar that I'm curious about...
(me) and (the one) who has just become Siwoo's Appa not long ago..^^*
(we're) gonna hang out (there)~
*this the baby's name is Siwoo and the guy who held the baby is the father Jonghan, he is the cyworld's owner
2009.11.20 02:13

Our JeongIm* captain was playing "Romeo and Juliette" !
We've got to see (the show) thanks to her~^^
I've met Taehoon hyung after a long time !^^
I enjoyed the show (since) it's very interesting and wonderful~!!
*JeongIm is a musical actress, she also had a role in Akilla
2009.11.20 01:49
Title : Our Hyaku~!

He's so adorable, isnt he...ㅠㅠ
But still funny....hohoho
2009.11.20 01:52
Title : On window frame

That excited rascal
Credit: cyworld
posted by ting18♥ @ daily kpop news
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