
Credits to : Estee1228@youtube
All : Anyeong Hasaeyo , we are MBLAQ .Hope everyone has faith in us .
Seung Ho : Anyeong Hasaeyo , I am MBLAQ's leader Seung Ho.
G.O.: Anyeong Hasaeyo , I am MBLAQ's G.O.
Lee Joon : Anyeong Hasaeyo , I am MBLAQ's Lee Joon.
Cheon Dong : Anyeong Hasaeyo , I am MBLAQ's Cheon Dong .
Mir : Anyeong Hasaeyo , I am MBLAQ's Mir.
Seung Ho : It's pleased to meet everyone . We , MBLAQ has just debuted and now
meeting everyone at UFO. This is a chance for us as rookies . We felt
thankful and also very happy .
G.O : But . when did we , MBLAQ debuted ? Is it around 15th?
Mir : Yes , it;s on the 15th , MBLAQ's UFO has opened now .
Lee Joon : We has just debuted , although we can't meet our fans directly ,
but we felt happy that we could interact with our fans through UFO .
We also will reply everyone seriously .
Cheon Dong : We , MBLAQ's UFO would be opened 24 hours . Regardless of when we are
eating or sleeping , we will reply everyone seriously . Hope everyone
will like it !
Seung Ho : Let's conclude .
All : Remember , 7000-1015 !
Source : http://tieba.baidu.com/f?kz=657497424 , http://www.rayfile.com/files/878c33a6-bca5-11de-8d21-0014221b798a/
Credits to : Sandy(TRANS) , 丫头 (制作) , mblaq吧原创 , ■﹣泽g丶 @mblaq吧
Translated by : -Estee28♥~ @ Daily Kpop News
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