
Jaebum & JYPE, a turnover?
It is expected for JYPE to meet up with Jaebum in Seattle through their next round of international auditions. This November 7th, the day of the Seattle auditions, people are expecting for JYPE to meet with Jaebum under the table. Jaebum himself had joined JYP through their audition 5 years ago in 2004. One associate has stated "It's not final as to whether JYP himself will be present but there will be prominent JYPE staff that have a special relationship with Jaebum. People are drawing a lot of attention to this future meeting and are expecting some sort of resolvement."
Many of the Seattle natives themselves, whom will be auditioning, have stated that Jaebum is their role model.
Netizens are questioning whether this meeting will bring about different feelings for Jaebum, who previously stated that he was not ready to fully discuss anything. To Jaebum, dancing and singing is his life's all. People are wondering whether Jaebum could take this opportunity to come out and meet his fans and make a decision as to whether he is truly ready or not.
Jaebum will one day reunite with his fans, but many are hoping that this meeting will be one of the stepping stones for that to happen. A native stated "Jaebum has just slightly cut off assocation with Korea and has been focusing on his dancing and singing. The talk of the town now is whether Jaebum will be able to show up at the audition as part of the audience and relive the highlight of his life 5 years ago."
Credits to : HANKOOKILBO (SOURCE); hazyfiasco@2ONEDAY (TRANS)
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